Public Member Functions | |
def | get_cline_template_dict |
def | get_cline |
def | write_data_to_infile |
def | makefile |
Make plots through the filesystem and command line programs. Subclasses need to define: 1. A method get_plot_args, which returns a dictionary with at least one key 'data' which maps to a text string that will be written out to the input file for the command line program. 2. The attribute cmdtmp, which is a template string that will be filled in with the dictionary returned by get_plot_args. This string will be the command line that is executed to make the plot. You should use the 'infile' key in your string, i.e. cmdtmp='/usr/local/bin/hairpinplot.bash %(infile)s'
Definition at line 12 of file
Construct command line based on template and dict. Definition at line 33 of file |
Dict used to fill in self.cmdtmp string. Definition at line 15 of file |
Write data to infile and then execute the commandline. This presumably makes the convert_from file. Definition at line 54 of file |
Write data from get_plot_args into infile specified. Presumably this data is the input for a command-line program. Definition at line 41 of file |